Have you ever hit a wall in a book? You're reading along and everything is fine, and then BAM! You hit a wall, or a "reader's block" if you will. I don't know how it comes about, but it happens, and it happens to me a lot.
I am currently reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. Usually I try to read the book, and then see the movie, but not so with Jane. Her books are well written, but I have a really tough time getting through them. The movie actually helps move the story line along, and I envision Colonel Brandon as Alan Rickman (Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series), the only problem I can see with this image is that Colonel Brandon is actually in his thirties, while Rickman is not (and was not during the filming of the movie). With that aside a side (hahaha) I am stuck, and having a hard time getting back into the novel.
How does this happen? Is there a cure? I am afraid that the book will end up being another started and not finished project. The only Jane Austen book that I have started and finished was Northanger Abbey, a short and sweet book. I have started Emma, Persuasion, and Pride and Prejudice.
There have been plenty of books that I have left unfinished, like another "current" book Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl, a childhood favorite.